Far East Movement

Far East Movement in 2011, s_bukley / Shutterstock.com Birth Name:*Virman Coquia (DJ Virman)*Kevin Nishimura (Kev Nish)*James Roh (Prohgress) Date of Birth:*January 12, c. early 1980s (Kev Nish)*January 14, 1980 (Prohgress)*January 24, 1982 (DJ Virman)

Far East Movement in 2011, s_bukley / Shutterstock.com

Birth Name:
*Virman Coquia (DJ Virman)
*Kevin Nishimura (Kev Nish)
*James Roh (Prohgress)

Date of Birth:
*January 12, c. early 1980s (Kev Nish)
*January 14, 1980 (Prohgress)
*January 24, 1982 (DJ Virman)

*DJ Virman – Filipino
*Kev Nish – Japanese, Chinese
*Prohgress – Korean

Far East Movement is an American hip hop and electronic music group, from Los Angeles, made up of Asian-American members. They are known for their track Like a G6. One of the members, Prohgress, has stated:

As a part of the music game, people don’t give Asian-Americans a chance off the bat… So we try to build with everybody to like our music.

J-Splif (Jae Choung) was previously a member of the group. He is of Korean descent.

